Monday, October 29, 2012

The Motorcycle Diaries

Hola everyone.
Hope you are safe under this hurricane and enjoying your day without school. 

Watching a great movie wouldn't be a bad idea to make your day even better.
So I brought a Spanish movie that I truly enjoyed last night. 

Diarios de Motocicleta
The Motorcycle Diaries 

You might have heard about Che Guevara. The Motorcycle Diaries his journey around South America with his best friend Alberto "Mial".  

In 1952, a semester before Ernesto "Fuser" Guevara completes his medical degree, two friends leave home and begin journey only with an old bicycle mostly for fun and adventure. 

However, as they get into secluded area Fuser witnesses so many injustices in the world.
Political deportees who lost their land because of political ideas
Tarnished Incan Civilization
Leprosy patients who were isolated from society and merely dying in hopeless lives.

Born in affluent family, 
Ernesto could easily choose to take smooth way to be a doctor
and maintain his pleasant life
But, his journey gave him a sobering idea that yields today's Che Guevara,
a major figure of Cuban Revolution. 

Very moving story and impressive images.
I highly recommend the movie The Motorcycle Diaries :)

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